About me

20-something year old currently living and working in London as a nanny. Big dreams to see the world. Engaged in a perpetual battle between the forces of good (saving for the long-awaited ‘big trip’) and evil (the temptations of ALL SHOPS). Enjoys a Hendricks and tonic as much as a pint, and dinner in Soho as much as a tin of Heinz baked beans and mini sausages (I know). Shoe-string budget and a bad habit of living way beyond my means- let’s see how that works out!

I suppose I’m starting this blog first and foremost to keep myself occupied and inspired. I’ve got a slight tendency to become disillusioned with the stagnancy of the present sometimes, so I think it would be helpful to write a bit about past trips, and vocalise (through writing?) my ideas for the future!

I also hope that some of my ramblings might actually have some use to anyone who happens to be reading. I know that I’m forever trawling the internet for blog posts about destinations I’m visiting/would like to visit for inspiration and tips on what’s good. On the one hand, it’s great to turn up somewhere completely void of preconceptions and discover it on your own, but if you’ve got limited time, it doesn’t hurt to have a few ideas to fall back on.

The last reason is that my memory is sometimes quite bad (I’m not a decrepit loony, honest). I often have trouble recalling specifics that other people can remember easily, so I think it will be good practice to dig out some memories from the old noggin, and try and write in some detail about specific locations, hotels and restaurants.

So anyway, if anyone has any questions about anything on my blog, please feel free to get in touch, and enjoy reading! 🙂

Charlotte x

3 thoughts on “About me

  1. I look forward to reading about your trips. We are in the same boat I think. I’m working, studying, saving and SPENDINGx_x before I make my next trip. I’m currently studying in Montreal, Canada on a study abroad and I will hopefully be heading to France in September for 7 months. Before that, I’m planning to spend a week in Barbados. I’ve been reading blogs about the island to feed my wanderlust. I lived on the island twice when I was a teenager. Such a beautiful rock in the Atlantic.
    Happy writing and saving!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow how amazing to be living in Canada! I’m dying to go the national parks, it all looks so beautiful.
      Haha yes the saving/spending balance is hard to get right! I guess I’m just a slave to capitalism at the end of the day!
      Good luck to you too ❤ Some amazing travels to come for both of us, I'm sure


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